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about [2022/02/13 20:00] cocoabout [2025/01/08 15:08] (current) malin
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 Members of the team are (from left): Members of the team are (from left):
 Cornelia Sollfrank, artistic archivist Cornelia Sollfrank, artistic archivist
 +Malin Kuht, artist, archivist, educator - Kunsthochschule/ Universität Kassel 
 Carina Herring, Kunsthochschule Kassel/ HfbK - University of the Arts Hamburg Hamburg (project manager) Carina Herring, Kunsthochschule Kassel/ HfbK - University of the Arts Hamburg Hamburg (project manager)
 Nora Sternfeld, HfbK - University of the Arts Hamburg Hamburg (in advisory function) Nora Sternfeld, HfbK - University of the Arts Hamburg Hamburg (in advisory function)
 Anja Steidinger, HfbK - University of the Arts Hamburg Hamburg (in advisory function) Anja Steidinger, HfbK - University of the Arts Hamburg Hamburg (in advisory function)
 Julia Stolba, archival assistant, HfbK - University of the Arts Hamburg Hamburg Julia Stolba, archival assistant, HfbK - University of the Arts Hamburg Hamburg
-Malin Kuht, archival assistant, Kunsthochschule/ Universität Kassel.+
 External collaborators: External collaborators: