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public_events [2022/02/08 19:19] cocopublic_events [2022/11/07 16:49] (current) coco
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 +**Arbeit an den Strukturen (Working on structures)**
 +4-6 November 2022 (offline)
 +Kunsthochschule Kassel
 +Conference to conclude the research project "Kunst - Forschung - Praxis - documenta" (2020-2022) in which the obn_a project was one out of four projects.
 +Concept of conference: Peggy Buth, Nanne Buurman, Alexis Joachimides, Dierk Schmidt, in Kooperation mit Nora Sternfeld
 +Title of our panel on Saturday morning 10.00 - 13:30: "We don't die. We multiply. Institutional and artistic methods of sustaining temporary, ephemeral, and project-based practices exemplified by cyberfeminism/ OBN."
 +Moderation: Cornelia Sollfrank & Malin Kuht 
 +Guests: Dušan Barok, Birgitta Coers
 +[[https://kunsthochschulekassel.de/willkommen/veranstaltungen/events/arbeit-an-strukturen-praxisbasierte-forschung-in-documenta-und-ausstellungsstudien-tagung.html|Announcement of complete program]]
 +**the archive is the directive – presentation of the obn_archive**
 +Tuesday, 12 April 2022 (offline)
 +5:30 - 8:00pm @ruruHaus, Kassel
 +On the occasion of handing over the obn_archive material to docuemta archiv, the event will give an insight into the process of indexing the material and discuss the project's current state. This includes actualizing the story through interviews with former OBN members and activating the archive through a sound installation by Catwings (Steph Joyce and Theresa Zwerschke).
 +Participants: Birgitta Coers and Martin Groh (documenta archiv), Carina Herring/ Julia Stolba/ Malin Kuht/ Nora Sternfeld (documenta studies group), Cornelia Sollfrank (artist archivist), Lumbung Radio (Gregoire Rousseau).
 +Audio documentation of the event: [[https://soundcloud.com/artwarez/obn-old-boys-network]]
 +**The whole Life. Archives and Imaginaries**
 +Friday, 25 March 2022 (offline)
 +Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW), Berlin
 +15:00 Encounter in the Archival Commons
 +Panel discussion with Daniela Agostinho, Nanna Bonde Thylstrup, Temi Odumosu, Cornelia Sollfrank
 +**Transformation Digital Art, LIMA** (platform for media art based), Amsterdam
 +Friday, 18 March 2022
 +Online Symposium on the preservation of software-based art
 +15:10 – 15:50 //Who cares (– if public memory institutions don't?//), Cornelia Sollfrank on the obn_archive project
 +16:00 - 18:00 //Distributed Knowledge//
 +Presentation and discussion on Distributed Knowledge by Elizabeth Stainforth (Lecturer in Heritage Studies), Lozana Rossenova (Digital Designer, Researcher), Giselle Beiguelman (Artist and Professor at the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil) and Cornelia Sollfrank (Artist, Researcher, Artistic Archivist), moderated by Geert Lovink (Media Theorist, Internet Critic).
 +Links and further information: https://www.li-ma.nl/lima/page/day-2-friday-march-18-distributed-knowledge
 +**Collecting and Preserving Research-Based and Archive-based Art Projects**
 +Thursday, 17 March 2022
 +M+ Research Project, M+, HongKong
 +curated by Dušan Barok and M+ conservators (Aga Wielocha and David Smith)
 +Cornelia Sollfrank: „Archiving a Network. The Case of the Old Boys Network"
 +other guests include : Claire Bishop, Patricia Falcao, Sarah Haylett, Martina Haidvogl, Aymeric Mansoux, Julie Boschat Thorez, Anna Schäffler
 +(closed workshop for M+ staff and museum experts)
 +**Book Launch of '50 Feminist Art Manifestos' (KT press, 2022)**
 +//Monday, 28 February 2022, 18:00-20:00 GMT 
 +//Presentation of the [[https://www.ktpress.co.uk/ebooks-details.asp?bookID=14|BOOK]] including readings of feminist manifestos. 
 +Introduction by the editor, Katy Deepwell
 +and readings of extracts from their manifestos by artists:
 +Arahmaiani – ‘Manifesto of the Sceptics’
 +Anne Sprinkle – ‘Ecosex Manifesto’
 +Silvia Ziranek - ‘Manifesta!’
 +and representatives from the collectives:
 +Feminist Art and Architecture Collective, ‘To Manifest’
 +Guerrilla Girls, ‘The Guerrilla Girl’s Guide to Behaving Badly’
 +n i i c h e g o d e l a t, ‘Research Institute for Doing Nothing’
 +Womanifesto (Ariel Dougherty),
 +100 anit-theses, Old Boys Network,
 +Permanent Assembly of Women Art Workers, ‘We Propose: Declaration of Commitment to Feminist Art Practices’
 +as well as for Carolee Schneemann “Women in the Year 2000” (Rachel Churner, Director, Carolee Schneemann Foundation)
 +and for ARCO Manifesto and Manifesto NoNeinNiet!!! (Xavier Arakistain)
 +as well as other contributors included in the book….//
 **obn_archive at ruruHaus, Kassel (obn posters, part of the zine >>Manual for the Dying<<)** **obn_archive at ruruHaus, Kassel (obn posters, part of the zine >>Manual for the Dying<<)**
 ;#; ;#;